110% Flow, in the zone, when studying last night.

Posted: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 by Tyler Durden in

Last night/Yesterday I had so much fucking work to do.
Had to do the labs, the chapter exams 15 and 16 for IT essentials and sample tests, and some sample review questions for Windows 7.

The smarter thing was to split the work over three days on the weekend.
Instead over the 2 days weekened I only did 1 chapter exam for CISCO CCNA1.

When I am fully in the zone
There is no procrastination.
I don't think of how hard/boring/or too long is the work.
I just THINK I gotta do this and I do it.
110% concentration, 110% effort.
This is how you overcome procrastination.
This is the NLP model.

Also I experience FLOW.
Fully immersed in the work/goal/task
There is only consciousness of the PRESENT.
Time as in PAST and FUTURE does not exist.
There is only NOW.