Dominos Pizza mogul terms

Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 by Tyler Durden in Labels:


    If you decide to participate in Pizza Mogul, you must comply with the Mogul Code of Conduct. If you don't, we can take steps against your account, which could include cancelling your account.
    If you see any Mogul behaving in a way that breaks the Mogul Code of Conduct, please let us know by flagging their content or emailing us at

    Our Mogul Code of Conduct covers:

    • Your conduct when you are using Pizza Mogul or promoting your Mogul pizza, including how you cannot make misleading statements, compare your Mogul pizza to other people's products, be mean, vulgar, offensive or send spam; and
    • Your intellectual property obligations, including not to use anyone else's trade marks or copyright (which includes their images, music, videos, art) without their permission.



    • Mislead or compare. This means you cannot:
      • Make statements about Pizza Mogul or your Mogul pizza that are incorrect, or could give someone a false impression;
        • This includes statements about things like the quality, value, price and availability of your Mogul pizza, and your relationship with Pizza Mogul and our suppliers.
      • Make statements that are incorrect or misleading about the nutritional value of your Mogul pizza;
      • Compare your pizza to the products of other people or companies;
      • Incorrectly represent that your pizza has been endorsed or sponsored by any person or company
        • For example - you cannot say that your favourite sporting or movie star loves your pizza unless you have their permission.
    • Engage in cyber-bullying or other misconduct. This means you cannot:
      • Bully other people (whether or not they are also participating in Pizza Mogul), which includes:
        • any behaviour that is intended to intimidate, put down, humiliate or control any person (or a group of people);
        • sending people mean or hurtful messages; or
        • imitating other people online.
      • Use swear words or other culturally insensitive or inappropriate, racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language;
      • Upload any inappropriate content. This includes any content that:
        • shows violence, is threatening in nature, or is an invasion of any person's privacy;
        • contains nudity or is sexually explicit;
        • is unlawful or shows unlawful acts; and
        • anything else we think is inappropriate.
      • Send people unwanted messages (spam);
      • Try to gain an unfair advantage by cheating the system;
      • Try to sabotage other Pizza Moguls;
    • Misuse another person's intellectual property rights
      • Use another person's (including our supplier's) name, brand or trade mark without their permission;
        • For example - your Mogul Name or Pizza Name must not contain the name of a well-known company, event (e.g. sporting event, music festival or awards ceremony) or product.
      • Use someone else's copyright without their permission,
        • A person's copyright includes any published ideas and artistic work (things like images, videos, music, lyrics or art).
        • For example - you must not promote your Mogul pizza using someone else's video, image or use your favourite song as the background to a video you have created without permission.
      • Upload content that features other people, unless you have their permission
      • Use the Pizza Mogul trade marks [hyperlink] for any purpose other than promoting your Mogul pizza.

    Last updated 23 June 2014

    Silvio's Dial-A-Pizza Pty Ltd (trading as Pizza Mogul) ("us", "we" or "Pizza Mogul") respect the privacy of individuals. This policy sets out the way in which we collect, hold, use, disclose and protect your personal information.

    Our Privacy Policy covers:

    • the type of information we collect, including things like your name, address, phone number, email address and bank details;
    • how we collect that information, through your use of our websites, the information you provide us to register a Pizza Mogul account, use our mobile apps, submit to our website and through other sources;
    • how we use your information, including to provide you with the services you have requested, such as to allow you to access and participate in the Pizza Mogul Platform;
    • any disclosure of your information, to third parties like our suppliers and companies who provide services to us (and that some may be overseas);
    • the accuracy and security of your information, including how you can contact us to ensure that your information is correct, and the steps we take to protect your information;
    • our privacy complaints procedure, including who you can contact to resolve any complaints you may have in relation to the way we deal with privacy.
    By visiting any of our websites, registering for or using the Pizza Mogul platform, systems and any related services ("Pizza Mogul Platform") or by providing us with your personal information, you agree to your personal information being collected, held, used and disclosed as set out in this policy.
    You do not have to provide us with your personal information but, if you do not provide us with the information we require, you may not be able to register for or use the Pizza Mogul Platform and/or your ability to use the Pizza Mogul Platform may be limited. For example, you may not be able to redeem any Mogul Dough, and we may be otherwise unable to assist you with any requests or questions you may have.
    Some of the terms used in this policy (including "Mogul Dough" and "Mogul pizza") are defined in our Terms and Conditions.

    Revisions to this policy

    We may revise this policy from time to time whenever necessary, so check this website regularly to stay informed of any updates. If we think any changes to this policy will have a significant effect on you, we will notify you by email or by putting a notice on the homepage of our websites.
    If you continue to use our websites, the Pizza Mogul Platform or if you provide further personal information to us after this policy has been revised, you will be deemed to have accepted the revised policy.

    How do we collect Information?

    We collect your Information in various ways, including when you:
    • visit our websites (including any applications managed by us or our related bodies corporate)
    • register to use the Pizza Mogul Platform;
    • when you "Like" our Facebook page or participate in any surveys, promotions and competitions through our Facebook page;
    • upload any content to the Pizza Mogul Platform;
    • place or attempt to place a pizza order;
    • enter into a competition or promotion through any medium;
    • redeem your Mogul Dough;
    • use our mobile apps;
    • participate in a survey;
    • subscribe to any of our mailing lists;
    • submit website or other feedback;
    • promote your Mogul pizzas via the Pizza Mogul Platform and/or through our suppliers and their franchisees (in which case we will collect some of your Information from these third parties);
    • participate in focus groups, polling and market research activities;
    • submit any query to the Privacy Officer.
    Except as noted in this policy, where possible we will collect your Information directly from you. However, there may be occasions when your Information is collected from someone else. Where we collect your Information from someone else, we will take reasonable steps to inform you of this (if this is not already disclosed in this policy). No matter where we obtain the Information from, your Information is collected, held, used and disclosed by us in accordance with this policy.

    How do we use your Information?

    We use your Information for the purpose for which it was provided to us, other related purposes and as permitted or required by law. Such purposes include, but are not limited, to the following:
    • providing you with the assistance, goods and/or services you have requested;
    • allowing you to register for, use and participate in the Pizza Mogul Platform;
    • displaying your uploaded content you have requested to be displayed;
    • providing your Information to our related entities and their franchisees as necessary for them to sell your Mogul pizzas and to calculate your entitlement to Mogul Dough;
    • assessing your entitlement to Mogul Dough, including Mogul Dough you have earned or redeemed;
    • processing a redemption of Mogul Dough;
    • determining the number of visitors to our websites and conducting reviews of our websites;
    • fulfilling prizes, awards and purchases;
    • keeping you informed about any changes to our websites;
    • conducting market research so that we can better understand the needs and preferences of Moguls and our customers and tailor our future products and services accordingly;
    • sending you offers or information on products or services that we consider will be of interest to you (if you have consented to receiving such offers and information);
    • resolving any feedback, general enquiries, complaints or Privacy enquiries;
    • sales trends and sales reporting for internal analyses;
    • to identify and prevent fraud, comply with any legal obligation or as otherwise permitted or required by law; and
    • any other purposes identified at the time of collecting your Information.
    Sometimes we receive data from our affiliates other third parties that helps us understand our Mogul’s online, ordering and purchasing activity, and generally make Pizza Mogul a better experience for our customer. For example, a Mogul’s activity may tell us information about the Mogul (like what their pizza or sides preferences are) in order to measure the effectiveness of - and improve the quality of – our Mogul’s online experience.
    We may also put together data from the information we have about a Mogul so we can offer and suggest a variety of products, deals or offers and features to our Mogul, or customize the ordering experience for the Mogul.

    Third Party disclosure of your Information

    Where appropriate we will share your Information with third parties, including:
    • our related entities, suppliers and their franchisees who offer your Mogul pizzas for sale or provide services to us or on our behalf (for example third parties processing your entitlements or payments, IT and cloud storage service providers, mailing houses, email service providers, SMS service providers, third party suppliers);
    • entities which you have expressly allowed us to disclose your Information to (including charities and financial institutions (as necessary) when you redeem your Mogul Dough);
    • any entities that we are required or permitted by law to disclose your Information to;
    • if your personal Information is collected in connection with a joint promoter or service provider, to that joint promoter or service provider for marketing and research purposes;
    • third parties whose goods and services we believe you might like to know about so they can send you special offers, if you have consented to receiving such information(we know that many of our customers enjoy receiving these excellent offers); and
    • any other third parties, agents, affiliates or service providers who act on our behalf in connection with our business, or for further processing in accordance with the purpose(s) for which the Information was originally collected
    • in accordance with the purposes notified to you at the time of collecting your Information or after the collection of your Information.
    Some of our related entities and third party service providers are located in countries outside of Australia (such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Philippines, Ireland, Germany, India, The Netherlands, France, Belgium and Japan). Our contracts with these parties generally include an obligation for them to comply with Australian privacy law and this policy. However you acknowledge that, by agreeing to the disclosure of your Information to these entities outside of Australia, we will no longer be required to take reasonable steps to ensure the overseas recipient's compliance with the Australian privacy law in relation to your Information and we will not be liable to you for any breach of the Australian privacy law by these overseas recipients and, on this basis, you consent to such disclosure.
    Where we disclose your Information to our related suppliers, your personal Information will be collected, used, held and disclosed by them in accordance with their privacy policy.

    Access, accuracy and security

    We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your Information that we collect and hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, we rely on you to advise us of any changes to your Information to help us maintain accurate, complete and up-to-date information. Please let us know if you believe that any of your Information requires updating or correction.
    You can request access to and correction of your Information that we hold at any time. Any such requests should be made directly by contacting us (see "Contact Us" section below), or by updating your details through the Pizza Mogul Platform.
    We will take reasonable steps to protect your Information from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. However, no data protection or security measure is completely secure. Despite any measure we put in place, we cannot guarantee the security of your Information, particularly in relation to online transmissions. You must take care to ensure you protect your Information (for example, by protecting your usernames and passwords) and you must notify us as soon as possible after you become aware of any security breaches.

    Uploaded Content

    You can upload certain content to the Pizza Mogul Platform, including images and videos. If you, or any other person, can reasonably be identified by that content, it may be considered to be personal Information for the purposes of this policy. We will treat that Information in accordance with this policy.
    If you no longer wish for us to display your uploaded content, or if you believe someone else's uploaded content can reasonably identify you and you wish for this content to be removed, you can contact us/request removal of the content by flagging that content, or sending an email to

    Sensitive information

    We will not collect, use or disclose sensitive information (such as health information or information about racial or ethnic origins or political or religious beliefs) except with your specific consent or in the circumstances permitted by law. In the event that a person's uploaded content reveals sensitive information about you, you can request removal of the content by flagging that content, or sending an email to

    Clickstream Data

    Each time you visit the our websites our server collects some anonymous information, known as click-stream data, including the type of browser and system you are using; the address of the site you have come from and move to after your visit; the date and time of your visit; and your server's IP address.
    We may collect this information for statistical purposes to find out how the websites is used and navigated, including the number of hits, the frequency and duration of visits, most popular session times. We may use this information to evaluate and improve our websites.


    A Cookie is a piece of information that our web server may send to your machine when you visit one of our websites. A Cookie helps us to recognise you when you re-visit our sites and to co-ordinate your access to different pages on the sites.
    With most Internet Browsers, you can erase Cookies from your computer hard drive, block all Cookies, or receive a warning before a Cookie is stored. If you want to do this, refer to your Browser instructions or help screen to learn more. If you disable all cookies, you may not be able to take advantage of all the features of our sites.

    Links to other sites

    Our website may contain links to other websites of third parties. A link to a third party website is not an endorsement of the accuracy or trustworthiness of that website or its content and any information collected by such websites will be subject to that website's privacy policy.

    How to stop receiving communication from us

    • To stop receiving the SMS service (if applicable) reply to any SMS with the word "STOP".
    • To stop receiving any email correspondence from us, simply click on the link to unsubscribe.
    • To stop receiving any postal mail from us, email the Privacy Officer at
    • To remove your details from any of our marketing and communication databases simply email the Privacy Officer at

    Complaints Procedure

    If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of this policy or the privacy principles of the Privacy Act 1988(Cth), you can lodge a complaint to the Pizza Mogul Privacy Policy Co-ordinator using the contact details below. You will need to provide sufficient details regarding your complaint as well as any supporting evidence and/or information.
    The Pizza Mogul Privacy Policy Co-ordinator will investigate your complaint and determine the steps that we will undertake to resolve your complaint. We will contact you if we require any additional information from you and will notify you in writing of the Pizza Mogul Privacy Policy Co-ordinator's determination. If you are not satisfied with the determination, you can contact us to discuss your concerns or complain to the Australian Privacy Commissioner via
    If you have any queries regarding the Pizza Mogul Privacy Policy please contact the Privacy Policy Co-ordinator at Level 5, 'KSD1', 485 Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton Queensland 4007 Australia, +61 7 3633 3333 or