WhatsApp founder Brian Acton was rejected by Facebook for a job

Posted: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 by Tyler Durden in

WhatsApp founder Brian Acton was rejected by Facebook for a job

The Story Behind the $19B Facebook WhatsApp Deal3:06

The $19 billion Facebook WhatsApp deal came together in less than two weeks, though Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and WhatsApp founder Jan Koum first met nearly two years ago. Reed Albergotti discusses the story behind the deal. Photo: Getty Images European Pressphoto Agency
IT WAS a multibillion dollar vindication for WhatsApp founder Brian Acton. Mr Acton’s company was acquired by Facebook yesterday for $US16 billion but it could have all been a lot cheaper for Mark Zuckerberg. If only he hadn’t rejected Mr Acton five years ago.
In 2009, after he left a senior engineering gig at Yahoo, Acton applied for a position at Facebook, only to be turned down. He left this message on Twitter:
But Facebook wasn’t the only one to reject Mr Acton. Twitter also said thanks-but-no-thanks.
Failing to secure a position at the two mammoth social firms, Mr Acton teamed up with Jan Koum to start up WhatsApp that same year. Yesterday, Mr Zuckerberg forked out an unprecedented $US16 billion in cash and stock, plus a further $US3 billion in restricted stock, to buy WhatsApp, which has one of the fastest user growth rates.
Mr Acton has approximately 20% equity in WhatsApp and is personally expected pocket about $US3 billion, according to Forbes .
An expensive lesson for Facebook’s HR department.