My white dog Benji died this morning... : (

Posted: Monday, March 17, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels: , ,

My white dog Benji died this morning...      : (

She was weak yesterday
Breathing rapidly.
Did really seem interested in eating.

This morning she went out of the kennel
when she got back in she drop near the kennel.

When I taught her inside, she didn't seem to have any signs of life.
-no breathing
-no heart beat.

After taking to the vet to confirm she died.

Official cause of death:
toxic anemia from pyometra

Parting words for my friend, companion,

Benji lived for 7 to 8 years
She loved to eat food.
She was a kind gentle smart dog.
She will be missed.

I should have let her stay inside my room.
She was weak and it would have been really cold for her.
At least she would be warm if she died.

I should have gotten her desex when she was just a puppy.
Then she wouldn't had gotten the pyometra.