5 Technology Skills You Should Actively Encourage Children To Take Up
Posted: Thursday, July 24, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels: career
5 Technology Skills You Should Actively Encourage Children To Take Up
Using Cartoon And Comic Strip Tools
Comics help jumpstart reading habits, but with the right push they can also do the same for creativity and imagination.
Cartoons and comics hold a natural appeal for children. Using any of the freely available online comic strip tools, children can move from passive reading to active participants as storybook authors. As a parent, you can encourage your child by planning out the story and helping the child through the initial steps like sketching the key stages and having them fill in the other steps. Children don’t need drawing skills. If they have a story, they can create simple stick-figure comic strips within a few frames. Even if they cannot draw, they can narrate the story and you can draw the comics.
Mindmapping taps into both the right (creative) and left (logical) side of the brain.
Mindmapping isn’t only for adults. The earlier kids learn this skill, the better. Through the school years, mindmapping can turn into an invaluable note-taking tool. Even Tony Buzan, the founder of many mindmapping concepts hasn’t left kids out and has published a full-color workbook. I only wish I had learnt this skill in my wonder years. It would have helped me structure and simplify complex information. It definitely would have helped me save agonizing hours revising before exams.
Collaborative Writing
Collaborative writing teaches group brainstorming, teamwork, learning and leadership.
If online tools are suited for anything, it is this – collaborative writing. Writing together in teams is a part of many school curricula. An early start helps children not only in the classrooms but also helps them uncover hidden talents related to the written word and go on to greater literary heights. Inspiring examples?
Making “Short” Films
Children spend hours watching films and TV. Teaching filmmaking to kids is about giving them creative and technical skills. And the power of communication.
There’s this story about Steven Spielberg starting out by filming “train wrecks” with models when he was a kid. Making home movies can be a source of endless joy for kids. Unlike Spielberg, kids of today can make the most of free video editing tools available as downloads and online. They don’t even need a fancy digicam. It’s all there within the click of a video app on smartphones. Windows Movie Maker is the easiest video editing tool you can help your child start out with. WeVideo is a neat cloud based alternative.
Designing Computer Games
Exciting, engaging, and an fun way to develop STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills.
Remember playing cops and robbers as a child? That was “game design” without the fancy word and frills. There are many cognitive benefits of allowing children to play the right kind of video games. There could be a few more plusses for teaching them how to design their own games. First – it’s a great way to build up a strong base for STEM Skills. Second – it’s great FUN. Then again, learning all about the dominant medium of tomorrow is better than just being a passive participant in its entertainment.
Could These Activities Lead To More Engaged Learning?
Look at it this way. These five online activities aren’t just about technology. They are about education. Anyway you cut it, the society of the future is going to be completely digital riding on communication and innovation. Education and learning would be poorer if we don’t tap into the fun element of technology.