A beginner’s guide to keeping chickens

Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 by Tyler Durden in

A beginner’s guide to keeping chickens

Have you ever fantasised about keeping chooks in your back garden? Katie from House of Humble did! Now she shares everything you need to know about keeping chooks.
A beginner’s guide to keeping chickens
A flock of backyard chickens makes a wonderful addition to almost any household. Chooks can help feed the family by providing fresh eggs, they’re a great source of manure which makes an excellent fertiliser, they’re good at controlling insects and they’re handy for eating up kitchen scraps. Taking care of chickens is also wonderful for teaching kids about responsibility. If you’ve never had chickens before, the idea of keeping a flock can be a little daunting, but the good news is it’s very easy!

Am I allowed to keep chickens?

Rules and restrictions vary depending on the area, so check the regulations for keeping chickens with your local council. Most councils will have a cap on the number of chickens you can keep in a residential zone and roosters are generally not allowed in town. If you are planning on buying or building a large chicken coop it is also a good idea to check if your local council has any restrictions regarding size and location.

What kind of chickens should I get?

There’s a huge variety of chicken breeds available in Australia, so take the time to research the right fit for your family before you take the plunge. While some breeds are more prolific layers, others are better for eating and some are dual purpose. Popular breeds for backyard chicken keepers include Australorps, Leghorns, Rhode lsland Reds, Sussex and Wyndottes.

Should I get baby chicks or grown hens?

Baby chicks are fragile and need to be kept warm under a heat lamp. It is also difficult to distinguish male and female chicks, meaning if you bring home baby chickens you could end up with a flock of roosters down the track. For these reasons it is much simpler to start off with grown hens or point of lay pullets. While they are more expensive than tiny chicks, they’re easier to take care of and by the time they join your family they will either be already laying or about to start. Chooks are social animals and should never be kept alone. A flock of three is a good, manageable number to start with.

How much space do chickens need?

The general rule is at least two-to-four square feet of floor space per chicken. Chickens are happiest when they are allowed to free range but allowing chooks to roam free isn’t possible in all situations (like if you don’t have adequate fencing or you have dogs) and as long as they have space to scratch about they’ll be quite content. A great option for backyards that aren’t suitable for allowing chooks to free range is to buy or make a ‘chicken tractor’. A chicken tractor is a lightweight coop that you can regularly move around the yard, to give your chooks access to fresh areas for scratching. Not only will this keep your chickens happy, but it’ll save them decimating one spot on the lawn. It also means you can use your chooks to help you in the garden, by placing the tractor in places you’d like them to weed, dig and fertilise.
chickens in chicken coop

What kind of housing do chooks need?

The easiest option for chicken housing is to purchase a ready build coop (just do a web search or check your phone book for local suppliers) but if you’d prefer, you can build a chook house yourself. The most important thing is to ensure the coop will protect your girls from the elements and is secure from predators such as foxes. Chickens need a perch to roost on at night, which should be at least 50cm from the ground. They also need nesting boxes to lay their eggs in. Nesting boxes should be at least 30cm squared and lined with hay or straw. Many ready-made chicken coops have nesting boxes built in.

What care do chickens need?

Chickens require very little upkeep. Food and water needs to be replaced daily. In order to reduce the likelihood of pests and diseases occurring, it is important to keep your chicken coop clean by regularly removing leftover food, cleaning out manure and replacing hay or straw. Chooks also need to receive a periodic worming treatment (usually every three-six months) and should be checked regularly for pests like fleas, ticks and mites. It is a good idea to regularly catch and hold your chickens, from as early on as possible, so that they become familiar with you and get comfortable being handled. It’ll be much easier to check over your chickens and administer medication if they are calm and happy to be picked up and held.

What should I feed my chooks?

To ensure optimum health (and egg productivity) it is essential your chooks receive a nutritious diet. Chickens need to be fed a good quality commercial poultry food and should have access to this food at all times. This can be supplemented with food scraps, weeds and other leafy greens, grubs and bugs. It is important to note scraps alone are not nutritionally sufficient. Do not give your chooks chocolate, coffee, avocado, rhubarb, green potato skins, onion, garlic, citrus or junk food.

Are chickens noisy?

While roosters make quite a bit of noise, hens are usually fairly quiet. They do cluck and chat to each other, but these sounds are not loud or obtrusive. Many people actually find the gentle sounds of happy chickens quite pleasant.

Are they smelly?

Chooks, given adequate dry, well-ventilated space and cleaned out regularly, should not smell. In wet weather when chicken coops get muddy they can get a bit smelly, but this can easily be kept under control by cleaning out the coop, removing manure (which is great for the garden) and replacing bedding.
Do you ever dream of keeping chickens?

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