Seven smart shortcuts to incorporate into your daily routine that will benefit your health
Posted: Thursday, July 31, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels: health
Seven smart shortcuts to incorporate into your daily routine that will benefit your health
- 5 DAYS AGO JULY 26, 2014
If you are short on time, a fast and easy liquid breakfast could give you the energy and nutrients you need to feel better throughout your day. Source: Supplied
BEING healthy doesn't have to be a full-time job. Maximise your wellbeing in a jiffy with these tried-and-tested strategies
You know the rules: You need five serves of veg, two of fruit, some wholegrains, protein and a few litres of water each day. Add to that some cardio and strength exercises to keep you in shape, some meditation for stress relief and eight hours' sleep to let your body recharge, and it's no wonder that so many people are overwhelmed at the mere thought of being healthy. However, the good news is there are plenty of health shortcuts that will help you tick all the boxes without feeling like a slave to the cause.
Having breakfast is important, but so is not being late for work. If you don't have time to poach some eggs, have a liquid breakfast. "Make your own smoothie using reduced-fat milk, yoghurt, fresh fruit and some oats or other wholegrain cereal," accredited practising dietitian Jemma O'Hanlon, of Nutrition Australia, says. "Get it ready the night before, then blend it before you leave for work in the morning."
The consensus among health experts is that men need about 2.6 litres and women require 2.1 litres of water a day - but that doesn't mean you have to count it by the glassful. "You can get a lot of fluid through fruit and vegetables," O'Hanlon says. "Snacking on vegies such as snow peas, capsicum and carrot sticks, as well as fruit, will give you a good dose of fluid."
Coffee and tea can also contribute to your total daily fluid count. "Just don't have more than four cups of coffee a day or the caffeine could contribute to sleep problems or anxiety," O'Hanlon adds.
When life gets hectic, one of the first things we tend to sacrifice is sleep. While you shouldn't make a habit of getting less than eight hours of sleep a night, a nap can help you get through the day after a late night. "Any [nap] under 30 minutes is good - if you sleep longer than that, you'll wake up with that groggy feeling," Dr Maree Barnes, a sleep physician at the Sleep Health Foundation, says.
If you've had a hectic week, then having a long nap on the weekend will help, but take care not to overdo it. "It shouldn't be a regular thing, but it will help you catch up if you haven't had enough sleep in a given week," Barnes says.
Just because you don't have time to do that weights class doesn't mean you can't build your strength. "Do as many reps as possible of squats, push-ups, tricep dips and lunges in an ad break," Mark Richardson, director of Body Language Personal Training, says. "It's often more effective to push yourself as hard as possible in a given time frame than to simply do something such as three sets of 10 repetitions. You'll usually go much harder." And given the amount of ads during some TV programs these days, there should be ample opportunity.
Given that "one serve" is half a cup of cooked vegetables or a cup of raw salad, the idea of eating five serves a day can seem impossible. The key is to start at breakfast. "Add spinach, kale or silverbeet to your morning smoothie to get you off to a good start, or have a side of mushrooms, sautéed spinach and avocado with your eggs," O'Hanlon says. "Having leftover dinner for lunch or a side salad will also help you sneak in some extra vegies."
By the time you've added some sliced tomato to your mid-morning crackers or spread nut butter on a few celery sticks for afternoon tea, you'll be well on your way to clocking up the recommended amount without having to pile your dinner plate with brussels sprouts - not that there's anything wrong with that.
When trying to lose weight, it's easy to obsess over a number on the scales, but you'll feel far more motivated if you aim to lose centimetres, Richardson says. "Fat-loss programs that use resistance exercises may not change your weight, but your muscle-to-fat ratio will change substantially - you can be a much smaller shape but stay the same weight." Women should focus on their waist, hip and arm measurements; men should work on their chest, waist and thighs.
You don't have to do a 90-minute yoga class to feel Zen. One of the easiest ways to stop the stress from mounting is to pause for a minute (or even just a few seconds) between tasks. "Let your attention rest on your breath, feeling it enter and leave the body," Dr Craig Hassed, a mindfulness consultant at Monash University, says.
"It helps our brain's executive functions - such as information processing, decision-making and remembering things - work a lot better. Otherwise stress builds up in the day until we get tense and agitated."
Having breakfast is important, but so is not being late for work. If you don't have time to poach some eggs, have a liquid breakfast. "Make your own smoothie using reduced-fat milk, yoghurt, fresh fruit and some oats or other wholegrain cereal," accredited practising dietitian Jemma O'Hanlon, of Nutrition Australia, says. "Get it ready the night before, then blend it before you leave for work in the morning."
The consensus among health experts is that men need about 2.6 litres and women require 2.1 litres of water a day - but that doesn't mean you have to count it by the glassful. "You can get a lot of fluid through fruit and vegetables," O'Hanlon says. "Snacking on vegies such as snow peas, capsicum and carrot sticks, as well as fruit, will give you a good dose of fluid."
Coffee and tea can also contribute to your total daily fluid count. "Just don't have more than four cups of coffee a day or the caffeine could contribute to sleep problems or anxiety," O'Hanlon adds.
When life gets hectic, one of the first things we tend to sacrifice is sleep. While you shouldn't make a habit of getting less than eight hours of sleep a night, a nap can help you get through the day after a late night. "Any [nap] under 30 minutes is good - if you sleep longer than that, you'll wake up with that groggy feeling," Dr Maree Barnes, a sleep physician at the Sleep Health Foundation, says.
If you've had a hectic week, then having a long nap on the weekend will help, but take care not to overdo it. "It shouldn't be a regular thing, but it will help you catch up if you haven't had enough sleep in a given week," Barnes says.
Just because you don't have time to do that weights class doesn't mean you can't build your strength. "Do as many reps as possible of squats, push-ups, tricep dips and lunges in an ad break," Mark Richardson, director of Body Language Personal Training, says. "It's often more effective to push yourself as hard as possible in a given time frame than to simply do something such as three sets of 10 repetitions. You'll usually go much harder." And given the amount of ads during some TV programs these days, there should be ample opportunity.
Given that "one serve" is half a cup of cooked vegetables or a cup of raw salad, the idea of eating five serves a day can seem impossible. The key is to start at breakfast. "Add spinach, kale or silverbeet to your morning smoothie to get you off to a good start, or have a side of mushrooms, sautéed spinach and avocado with your eggs," O'Hanlon says. "Having leftover dinner for lunch or a side salad will also help you sneak in some extra vegies."
By the time you've added some sliced tomato to your mid-morning crackers or spread nut butter on a few celery sticks for afternoon tea, you'll be well on your way to clocking up the recommended amount without having to pile your dinner plate with brussels sprouts - not that there's anything wrong with that.
When trying to lose weight, it's easy to obsess over a number on the scales, but you'll feel far more motivated if you aim to lose centimetres, Richardson says. "Fat-loss programs that use resistance exercises may not change your weight, but your muscle-to-fat ratio will change substantially - you can be a much smaller shape but stay the same weight." Women should focus on their waist, hip and arm measurements; men should work on their chest, waist and thighs.
You don't have to do a 90-minute yoga class to feel Zen. One of the easiest ways to stop the stress from mounting is to pause for a minute (or even just a few seconds) between tasks. "Let your attention rest on your breath, feeling it enter and leave the body," Dr Craig Hassed, a mindfulness consultant at Monash University, says.
"It helps our brain's executive functions - such as information processing, decision-making and remembering things - work a lot better. Otherwise stress builds up in the day until we get tense and agitated."
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