9 Reasons Why You Need To Find Your Life Purpose
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels: life
9 Reasons Why You Need To Find Your Life Purpose
Do you know the real impact of NOT finding your Life Purpose?
It’s as if you are on the highway going in one direction but the you come across a road sign that is telling you your destination is in the opposite direction….but you keep driving the wrong direction anyway!
We often go through life living someone else’s ideas. You agree with them and never learn to make decisions… School wasn’t designed for us to make decisions, find your purpose OR to be free by doing what we want as individuals. Man I wish we could have learned those skills early on and YOU probably wouldn’t be here now trying to figure out why you really need to find your life purpose.
There’s more than 9 reasons, however I want to give you an idea of what it’s like to live a purposeful life, so read on to understand the importance of the whole ‘purpose thing’.
Here are your 9 reasons:
#1 You Make An Impact In The World
You’re doing something that matters, you feel good and you are helping other people improve their life in some way or another. It feels good and will allow other people to see your passion and may even inspire them to make positive change in their own lives. The world requires more people like you who can make the changes we need.
#2 Doing What You Love
Your purpose can lead you to doing all the things you dreamed about because you are no longer making excuses to live a mediocre life, you have found what makes you come alive. You live on your own terms and wake up excited to go and do what you love!
#3 You Have Direction
You blaze your own trail, non-conforming to what once seemed to be normal, living someone else’s life. You have a goal and your journey is as clear as reality. You just have an inner knowing of what you’re meant to do. This makes life feel like play.
#4 Everything is Easier
Your purpose involves you using your strengths, passions and values (hint: finding your purpose involves knowing your strengths, passions and values)
Manifesting becomes easier too. Whatever you need to fulfill your life purpose comes to you because you are in your ‘flow’, you have a vision and direction, by using these internal gifts you are connected to the life-source and you have recognition of oneness allowing tools, resources and people show up when you need.
#5 Paid to Live Your Passion
By knowing your strengths and passions will create a unique gift you have to offer value and services to others. How can you use that gift and offer something to the world? Who can benefit? Will they pay?
Offering your ‘services’ doing something you love is amazing and everybody should be doing it! The world is changing and more and more people are realizing this is the way forward. Are you ready?
#6 More Life
knowing that there is more to life is such a great feeling, one I want you to have too. We were all created for a unique purpose. When you discover your life’s true path your life changes, your being changes, everything becomes clear and you realize there’s more to life.
#7 Your True Self
You become your true self, live a more authentic life, you remember you have a creative side and can in turn create a fuller life for you and others. You know what works for you and what doesn’t. Most importantly you no longer seek to please other people.
#8 Inspire Others
Your energy, your passion, your zest and love of live will have people wondering and asking what your secret is! They will be in awe at your happiness and ability to never get tired or bored doing what you do when you have found your purpose. In essence you will inspire others to find theirs.
#9 A Happier Life
People who have found their life’s purpose are happier. Here’s why. Your purpose consists of giving of yourself to others and when you do this you are creating happiness for yourself, because giving makes you feel good. Life may not always be perfect, neither will things go the way you want them to all the time but you will know yourself, who you are and what you are meant to be doing with your life and THAT, my friend is worth finding your purpose for.
Finding your purpose and living a life of passion is you way of saying thank you to God. Don’t put this off!
“Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it” ~ Buddha
Diana is a beach lover, philosopher & Entrepreneur. She Is all about helping you find purpose, authenticity & happiness, sanity which Is why she created The Personal Freedom Project. Subscribe to her Happy Triggers Guide, designed to help you find a plan for your life even if you don’t know where to start!
Read more at http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/9-reasons-need-find-life-purpose/#30ASECUgT75TS5s6.99