How to survive a workday on no sleep, according to science

Posted: Saturday, August 23, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels:

How to survive a workday on no sleep, according to science

NYMag runs this delightful blog called Science of Us where they write about fun science-y stuff that could fit into one's daily life. Their latest topic tackled: how to get through a work day on no sleep. Which is handy, because sleep is like diamonds: in ready supply, but still, mysteriously, very rare. Work days are more like shit: the product of assholes. Just kidding, bosses reading this! 
- Set your alarm for the last minute that you have to get up. The snooze button doesn't do anything for you.
- Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. Don't go for sugar, but whole grains, protein, and fruit instead.
- Resist the urge to smash a coffee first thing. After the initial grogginess of waking up wears off, you'll be more or less good to go. Take your first shot around midday instead.
- Surround yourself with bright light. Or go for a jog, but, like, how realistic is that really?
- Do your hardest work in the morning. It's when you'll be most alert.
- Have a light, healthy lunch. Eating heavy will only exacerbate that arvo sleepiness.
- Take a nap. Don't know how you'd swing this in most places, but maybe you could duck into a bathroom stall. If anyone asks, just tell 'em whatever you had for your light lunch isn't sitting right.
- Or go outside. Nature and sunlight will power you up, like Superman.
- Smash out some mindless tasks in the late arvo. You won't need as much attention to get them done, and you'll feel better for having done them later after you come out of autopilot.
Alternatively, get some damn sleep. Your online games will still be there in the morning. Read the science-y elaborations at NYMag.