Top 10 Food Infographics To Hang In Your Kitchen Or Save To Your Phone
Posted: Sunday, August 3, 2014 by Tyler Durden in Labels: infograph , lifehacker
Top 10 Food Infographics To Hang In Your Kitchen Or Save To Your Phone
A chart or infographic can be the best way to communicate complex topics — like which tie to where to certain events and how to fix common cooking mistakes. Here are some of the most save or print-worthy food graphics we’ve shared on Lifehacker.
10. Foods That Keep You Full and Prevent an Energy Crash
This chart graphs foods based on how full they make you and whether or not they give you a sugar high (and subsequent sugar crash). Post it on your fridge to remind you to reach for oranges or apples instead of bananas, eggs instead of cereal.
9. How to Cook Anything on the BBQ
Keep this chart handy by your BBQ to get the timing right for meats and veggies. They’re approximate times and temperatures, but that’s still a whole lot better than just winging it.
8. Pick the Most Nutritious Produce
Not all fruits and vegetables are the same, if you’re looking to improve a certain area of health. This colourful chart highlights the nutritional qualities of different vegetables at a glance, so while you’replanning your weekly meals or shopping in the store, you can choose wisely. (Eat the rainbow!)
7. Match your Wine and Pizza
Wine might not be your first choice of beverage when it comes to destroying a pizza, but you’ll be surprised how well a merlot can go with a slice of pepperoni pie. If reds aren’t your bag, don’t worry, there are pairings for rieslings, proseccos and chardonnays too.
6. How to Eat the Rainbow
Many of us aren’t eating enough of different produce to reap their benefits. This graphic offers suggestionsfor getting your fill of each colour, the benefits you can expect from doing so, and other miscellaneous facts like sneaking more “greens” in your diet with green tea.
5. Turn Pantry Staples into 20+ Meals
Having a well-stocked pantry could mean all the difference between being able to whip up a quick mealor entertain last-minute and having to run to the supermarket or order out. This flowchart/graphicturns pantry staples into multiple meals.
4. Avoid Common Cooking Mistakes
It’s tempting to replace ingredients in recipes with healthier options — full-cream milk with skim, for instance. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to eat better, but it’s important to be aware that often, you can’t just replace one ingredient with another without adjusting ratios or adding (or removing) something else to compensate. So next time you’re switching brown sugar for white, make sure you’re not doing it wrong.
3. Know What You Can Turn into Compost
You’ve got kitchen/household scraps. Can you turn them into gardening gold instead of garbage? Instead of tossing food out, check out this graphic which highlights the many trash-headed items that could be used instead to improve your garden — even dryer lint, hair/fur, or fireplace ashes.
2. Learn How to Use Your Knife
Perhaps the most important tool in your kitchen, the knife is one instrument you’ll want to master. This graphic highlights the differences between different knives, the different kinds of cuts you might want to use, and more knife-y tips.
1. Check Cooking Times, Weight Conversions, Meat Cuts and More in One Cheat Sheet
Want just one cheat sheet to cover lots of cooking and shopping territory? Here you go. Useful for on your fridge and/or while selecting something to cook.
Bon appétit!