How To Stop Procrastinating

Posted: Thursday, May 3, 2012 by Tyler Durden in

How To Stop Procrastinating

By , Guide
Procrastinating is a bad habit and is one that will certainly slow down your career growth. When you procrastinate, it is likely you will turn in projects late or not at all. Here are some tips that will help you stop procrastinating.
Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: na

Here's How:

  1. Identify which tasks you put off and why? If lack of knowledge is keeping you from putting off doing something, get help.
  2. Break down each task into small manageable parts.
  3. Work on each part for a set amount of time, i.e. ten minutes, and then stop.
  4. Take a break and then work on the next part.
  5. Reward yourself for completing a task.


  1. Organize your work area.
  2. Complete tasks you don't like doing, when your mind is clear.
  3. Sometimes we avoid tasks we don't think we can do well -- make sure you ask for help if you don't understand how to do something.