Uber driver requirements

Posted: Saturday, April 16, 2016 by Tyler Durden in Labels:

Uber driver requirements

Uber Driver requirements
Some simple things to think about before signing up.
Here are the requirements to drive for Uber:
Age requirements
  • You must be 21 years or older
  • Relevant state full unrestricted/full license (at least 1 year old)
Car requirements
  • 2006 or newer
  • Seats between 4-8 passengers
  • Has 4 doors
  • Free of visible body damage and clean interior
  • Relevant state licence plate
  • Relevant state licence plate
Insurance requirements
  • Car is covered by a comprehensive or third party property insurance policy
  • Policy must include your name
  • Policy registered in relevant state
Background check: make sure that in the past 7 years you have had:
  • No DUI or drug-related offenses
  • No fatal accidents
  • No criminal history
  • No incidents of driving without licence or insurance
  • No history of reckless driving