Guide for install and use of the udemy dl on Windows · nishad/udemy-dl Wiki

Posted: Sunday, July 17, 2016 by Tyler Durden in

Guide for install and use of the udemy dl on Windows · nishad/udemy-dl Wiki

Step-by-step guide

Following these steps, Windows user will be able to use the platform independent version of udemy-dl.
  1. Download and install the latest version of python from:
  2. Navigate with your favorite explorer to the install folder of python (e.g. C:\python35)
  3. Create a udemy-dl_install.bat (the content of the Batch-file can be found in the section Install Commands)
  4. Press Shift and right-click within the folder (not on a file or folder) and open the command prompt
  5. Run udemy-dl_install.bat
  6. Prepare a udemy-dl_download.bat using the following template: python -m udemy_dl -o "C:\Path\To\Video" --lecture-start 1
  7. Run your prepared udemy-dl_download.bat and enjoy the courses offline.
While running the bat you will have to input your mail and password. If you don't want to input the mail and password every time you can also use the following template: python -m udemy_dl -p yourpasswordhere -o "C:\Path\To\Video" --lecture-start 1
!CAUTION! If your password contains special characters, then an error can occur. If this happens, you should change your password to a simple one (which contains only alphanumerical characters) until you finished the downloads.

Install Commands

Copy the following commands into a textfile and save the file as "udemy-dl_install.bat"
@echo Installing udemy-dl via pip
python -m pip install udemy-dl

@echo Updating the udemy-dl to the latest version
python -m pip install --upgrade udemy-dl

@echo Upgrading the udemy-dl to the latest developer version
python -m pip install --upgrade


If you stop downloading while the file is not finished, you have to delete the "*.mp4.tmp" file in order to download the lecture again.


  1. Have you test Allavsoft? Allavsoft also works great to download from udemy. Here is the guide: